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Shehrullah 17mi raat, 19mi raat, 21mi raat
✾ 21mi Raat (19th March 2025) - ✾ Mumbai Program: Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will lead Namaaz and deliver Wasila in Mazaar-e-Qutbi Complex.

Zakat & Wajebaat | Reminder for Shehrullah 1446H
Like prayer, fasting, and hajj, zakaat is one of the seven da’a’im, or foundational pillars, of the Shari’at of Islam. Our Duat Mutlaqeen have guided us to doing araz of zakat and wajebaat during the auspicious month of Ramadan al-Mo'azzam to garner multifold sawab. Mumineen are reminded to araz zakat during 1446H - view a video reminder of zakat on this page.

Umrah Safar Mubarak 1446H - Glimpses from Syedna TUS visit to Makkah, Madinah, and Ghadeer-e-Khumm
In this documentary, we present videos, photos, audios from this mubarak safar as well as reflections from some of the two-hundred Mumineen who partook in this journey.
The Approach to Life and Afterlife | Anwar-ul-Qur'an Excerpt
During Ramadan al Mo’azzam 1446H, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS delivered Anwaar-ul-Qur’an Sabaq to Mumineen, in which Aqa Maula TUS did bayan on the meaning of Surat Qaf. Mumineen from all over the world participated in this live sabaq both in person and online. View an excerpt from this sabaq here.
Majlis 81: Why are deeds only accepted through love and allegiance for the True Guide?
Those who believe in God are many, they worship God in many different ways and do good deeds. But the reward is attained only if God accepts the deeds. What makes deeds accepted by God? Why is walayat - the recognition of and allegiance to God's chosen ones - so central - so much so that the acceptance of all deeds is subject to walayat? Why is salvation linked to walayat?
The Syedna Case: Exposing the Succession Conspiracy
Syedna Burhanuddin RA Video Recording Shows Mufaddal is NOT his Successor. This video documentary brings to light the story that unfolded in June 2011 when Mufaddal Saifuddin announced his alleged appointment. It analyzes the following: London Cromwell Hospital records of Syedna Burhanuddin RA, 4 June 2011 Cromwell hospital video, 20 June 2011 Raudat Tahera video. View the 30 minute documentary.
1446H Hijri Calendar
We are pleased to present the Dawat e Hadiya 1446H Hijri Calendar which presents main miqaats and parallel Gregorian dates. The calendar is presented in printable (A4) PDF format, as well as an e-book...
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