Affiliated Websites
22 December 2022
Zahra Hasanaat
Zahra Hasanaat was founded by Syedna Qutbuddin RA in 1997. This organization provides food aid, home improvement schemes (basic hygiene, water proofing etc), education counsel and scholarships (with a focus on primary education), medical aid (with a focus on infant/child health, vaccinations, awareness and low cost treatments and procedures), business loans and counsel (with a focus on greater than 10K loans to help grow small business as well as providing advise), and general welfare (e.g. marriages). The goals of Zahra Hasanaat are achieved through personal visits to homes of Mumineen based on Syedna Burhanuddin's RA emphasis that we must go to our Mumin brothers' and sisters' homes and ask personally about (and ensure) their well being.

The Qutbi Jubilee Scholarship Program
The Qutbi Jubilee Scholarship Program (QJSP) was initiated by Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA to mark the auspicious occasion of the Golden Jubilee. QJSP aims to offer financial aid to Dawoodi Bohra students pursuing degrees in higher education in a variety of fields including Management, Arts, Engineering, Literature, Mathematics, Economics, Education and Medicine. Aqa Moula syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS has graciously done inayat to fund the program and allow it to continue its efforts in promoting higher education, especially for women and girls.

Taqreeb is an organization dedicated to the propagation of inter/intra faith and community understanding so that we may better unite for peaceful causes. In our attempt to understand each other's ideologies, it does not mean that we must homogenize diverse groups or ignore differences. It does not mean "taking things lying down" or giving up your rights or culture. We believe there is nothing passive about Taqreeb. It is an active effort to understand differences and commonalities through academic conferences, grassroots movements, and bringing together faith and political leaders to work together to develop and implement these ideas in their respective communities.

Raudat-un-Noor in the Mazaar-e-Qutbi Complex was built in honor of the 53rd Dai al-Mutlaq His Holiness Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin Saheb RA by his son and successor, His Holiness Syedna Taher Fakhruddin Saheb TUS. The complex comprises Raudat-un-Noor (mausoleum, commonly known as “dargah”) of Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA Saheb, the Community Hall, and the Social Welfare Center.

Fatemi Madrasa endeavors to provide the children of Mumineen with an opportunity to learn about Deen and Dawat, Islam and Imaan. The goals are to help students understand the aqeeda (belief) of Dawat-ul-Haq through logic and reason and strengthen their faith in it, and to inspire them to live a life based on the principles of Shar'iat.

Ghulamane Husain: Most Beloved Son
This website is created by Gulaman-e-Husain and presents a collection of personal experiences and interaction with Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA during the time when he was Mazoon-e-Dawat. This project was started at the time of the Golden Jubilee of Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA.