Aa section ma Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS ane Dawat na akhbaar, tasweero, bayaano ni talkhees, ane beesri munasabato na akhbaar pesh kida chhe.

Milad un-Nabi 1444H | Shehzada Dr. Aziz Bhaisaheb Qutbuddin Bayaan
06 November 2022
"Mumineen, Rasulullah SA ajab shaan si aa shari'at garra', wehye si ehni rachna rachi. Ane ehwi shar'iat, ke je qiyamat na din lag yej shari'at qaa'ima rehse. Hawe ye shari'at kaamila chhe, ane saglu ehna andar wehye samayelu chhe. Shar'iat taaza ne taaza chhe, shariat samha chhe. Ehna andar je ma'ani chhe te ehna wasi bayan kare chhe Aimmat bayan kare chhe, duato bayan kare chhe."
Rozaana Qur’an Majeed no dawr ane Munajaat ni zikr | Shehre Ramadan al Mu’azzam 1442H program – Mumbai
31 May 2021
Al Maula al Ajal Syedi Mazoon Saheb Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin AAB Shehre Ramadan ma roz saanje 6:30 waaje Qur’an Majeed na dawr waaste Darus Sakina, Mumbai ma tashreef laawse. Mumineen online ye Qur’an na dawr ma shaamil thai sakse.
Shehzada Dr Abdeali Bhaisaheb participates in Humsaz Interfaith Conference in Indore April 2018
13 May 2018
It was a historic moment in Indore on Wednesday the 11th of April 2018 when prominent national religious leaders from all different communities raised their joined hands in unison to give a message of peace, harmony and understanding, and unity against the forces of division, hatred and violence.
Mazaar-e-Qutbi Hosts Daily Niyaaz Jaman for All
01 December 2017
At Mazaar-e-Qutbi, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS has initiated Mazaar-e-Qutbi Niyaaz near Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA’s Roza in Darus Sakina with the niyat of giving the barakat of Syedna Qutbuddin to all ibaadullah – all of God’s children. Every day lunch is served to whosoever wishes to enter and eat there. The niyaaz jaman is healthy and wholesome vegetarian food in order to accommodate all...
Syedna TUS Sabaq – Water that gives life
07 December 2014
Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS has begun regular sabaq for Mumineen. In Darus Sakina, Mumbai, Saturday on the 7th of Safar, Mumineen took the barakaat of attaining the ‘ilm of Aale Mohammed SA from the Dai and Aalim of Aali Mohammed SA. Below is an excerpt from the first sabaq. The 1.5 hour sabaq was followed by Maghrib/Isha namaz and qadambosi and araz bethak. Photos of the sabaq are presented...