Dawat History
On what day was Islam rendered perfect, and why? How did factions break of in religion, and why? Syedna TUS narrates anecdotes and instances from key points in Dawat's history and explains their relevance today.

Majlis 64: "How did the Sulaymani faction split off from haqq? (Part 3)" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
13 November 2021
In this Majlis, Syedna recounts the events that led to Syedna Dawood’s victory over Sulayman in the court of Akbar, the Mughal Emperor.
How did Sulayman entice one of the ministers in Akbar’s court to support him? Why did Syedna Dawood go into concealment in Ahmedabad? What kind of torture and oppression did the Hudood of Dawat and Mumineen endure?

Majlis 62: "How did the Sulaymani faction split off from Haqq?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
31 October 2021
In the 62nd Majlis, Syedna TUS explains the Sulaymani faction which followed the false claim of Sulayman bin Hasan, the grandson of the 24th Dai.
What were the circumstances that arose within Dawat due to which people within the Dai’s home and family supported Sulayman? Who conspired with the scribe of the 26th Dai? Why did the ruler of Ahmedabad support Sulayman?

Majlis 60: "How did the Majeedi faction split off from Haqq?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
17 September 2021
In this Majlis Syedna TUS discusses the split of the Majeedi faction after the 20th Imam al-Aamir bi-ahkaamillah SA.

56th Majlis: "How did the Nizari Faction Split Off from Haqq?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin
09 July 2021
In this Majlis Syedna TUS discusses the split after the 18th Imam al-Mustansir billah Amirul-Mumineen SA.
And how do our Hudaat establish the rightful Imamate of Musta’ly Imam? What indications did Mustansir Imam give upon his birth and his marriage?

Majlis 52: "How did the Isna-Ashari (Twelver) faction split off? (Part 2)" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
12 June 2021
In this Majlis Syedna TUS continues his exposition on the Twelver split.
The Twelvers believe that after Ja’far al-Sadiq Imam SA had done Nass on Isma’il, he changed it and did Nass on Isma’il’s brother Musa Kazim. What are the arguments of our Hudaat Kiraam against this belief? How do they establish the rightful Imamate of Imam Isma’il SA and his son Mohammed bin Isma’il SA?

Majlis 51: "How did the Isna-Ashari (Twelver) faction split off? (Part 1)" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
04 June 2021
Syedna TUS addresses the split of the Isna-Ashari (Twelver Shi’a) faction following Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq SA.
Why did the Twelver Shi’a forsake Imam Isma’il and his son Imam Mohammed bin Isma’il? Why did many of them follow Musa Kazim – also a son of Ja’far al-Sadiq Imam SA?

50th Majlis: "How and When Did the Zaydis Split Off?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
22 May 2021
What was the source of disagreement and discord between Zayd and Imam Mohammed al-Baqir SA? Why did it lead to a split?
What are the arguments of our Hudaat Kiraam against the core beliefs of the Zaydis? How do they establish the rightful Imamate of Mohammed al-Baqir Imam SA and his descendants?

Majlis 49: "What caused the Shia-Sunni split? (Part 3)" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
25 April 2021
In Part 3 of “What caused the Shia-Sunni split?” Syedna TUS explains Amirul Mumineen’s SA actions and forbearance when his enemies usurped the rightful succession after Rasulullah’s SA wafaat.
What was the wisdom in Ali’s forbearance? What proofs did Maulatuna Fatema AS assert to establish Ali’s right in face of tyranny? What did Ali do when he was brought in Abu Bakr’s presence for the bay’at?

Majlis 48: "What caused the Shia-Sunni split? (Part 2)" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
18 April 2021
In Part 2 of “What caused the Shia-Sunni split?” Syedna TUS continues to describe the events after Rasullulah’s SA wafaat. In this Majlis, Syedna explains Rasulullah’s SA khutba and wise words when he appointed Amirul Mumineen SA in Ghadir-e-Khumm.
How was Ali’s right to succession usurped in the Saqifa gathering after Rasulullah’s SA passing?