God & Purpose
Where is God? How was this world made? What is our purpose in life? Do we have free will? Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS discusses these and many other topics, and answers the deep, pertinent, and timeless questions that every intelligent human poses.

Majlis 41: "What is the true way to declare God’s oneness, tawhid?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
There are many faiths and, within Islam, many denominations. Each faith and each denomination within Islam perceive God in different ways. What is the true belief regarding Allah’s Oneness – Tawhid? What have our Hudaat Kiraam – especially Amirul Mumineen SA in his khutbahs – taught us about Tawhid?

Majlis 40: "What is the evidence against atheism?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
Atheists argue that if God existed we would see Him. What is the basis of belief? They also argue that if you say that the creation is proof of a Creator, then who created the Creator? Isn’t this an infinite regression?
How should a Mumin recognize and understand God? How should a Mumin safeguard himself from atheistic belief?

Majlis 33: "In how many days was this world made?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
Why did it take any amount of days to for God to create the universe? Why would it take even a single day? That would be a sign of incapacity and weakness. Allah Ta’ala says of His own power in the Quran “whenever We will a thing to be, we say to it ‘be’ and it is.”
What is the meaning of these verses and days? How long did it take God to create this world? How long ago was this world created?

Majlis 21: "What is the meaning of death?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
Death is inevitable and it will come to all. Why did Allah Ta’ala create death? Why are most people afraid of dying? What should a Mumin’s approach be towards it? How should we prepare for it?

Majlis 17: "Why do we worship Allah?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
Allah Ta’ala says in the Quran “I have created jinn and humans only so that they may worship Me” (Surat al-Zariyaat: 77). How should we worship Allah Ta’ala? What should our intention be in His worship? What is the difference between physical worship and intellectual worship? Why do we need both? that they may worship Me” (Surat al-Zariyaat: 77).

Majlis 4: "What is the origin of the Intellect?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
What is the intellect - aql - and where did it come from? Is faith based on intellect and reason - is it rational? Every intelligent person tries to reason the answers to these important questions.

Majlis 2: "Do we have free will?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
Do we have free will? Or is everything determined by destiny (naseeb)? Do we have a destiny (naseeb)? If our fate is predetermined then how can we be rewarded or punished for our actions? Both destiny and free will are asserted by the Quran: Which one is it?

Majlis 1: "Where is God?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
The Quran asserts that God can see us but we cannot see Him. In another Ayat the Quran states that wherever you face you will see the face of God. Which one is it? If we cannot see Him, how do we believe in Him? What is the proof that God exists? In this 20 minute video Syedna answers these critical questions.