Life Advice
How do you achieve contentment? What should you do if your mind gets tired? How can you get peace in times of difficulty? What is the benefit in cultivating good habits? Syedna TUS provides priceless practical life advice from the bayaans and guidance of our Mawali Tahireen, grounded in today's modern context.

Majlis 74: "Why does marriage complete one’s faith?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
13 October 2022
What is the connection between marriage and Allah’s Awliyaa’? Between marriage and faith? A man and a woman can stay together without marriage and can also have children; but why is marriage needed? What do the Ikhwanus Safa say in their treatise on Passion (ishq)? What is the ideal age for marriage?

Majlis 70: "What is the cure for the fear of the unknown?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
25 March 2022
It is human nature that people fear the unknown and the unseen (ghayb). They are afraid of the hidden mysteries. The greatest fear is the fear of death and what happens after that. How does one dispel this fear?

Majlis 68: "What should you do if your mind gets tired?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
19 February 2022
People often say that they are “mentally tired” because of strenuous circumstances of this world. When one experiences mental tiredness, what can be done to revitalize and refresh the mind?
What is the wisdom in taking rest according to the guidance of our Awliyaa’? What are the benefits of rest?

Majlis 61: "How do you believe with conviction?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
01 October 2021
There are so many religions, factions and viewpoints in this world. How do we attain conviction – yaqeen – in our faith? How can we be certain that our belief is correct? What is the universal scale for truth?
What are the ultimate examples of yaqeen? What is the guidance of our Awliya’ Kiraam to see through the smoke of confusion?

Majlis 54: "How do you supplicate God with sincerity?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
25 June 2021
How can a Mumin pray with full sincerity and conviction? What is the wisdom in sincere supplication? What belief should you hold when you pray so that you obtain abundant blessings?

Majlis 53: "How do you always live with courage?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
12 June 2021
How can a Mumin live his life with courage? How can he remain positive? How can he continue to gather provisions for the Hereafter and increasing his blessings?
The world is a place of trials and tribulations. If one is depressed – whether due to financial and work troubles, issues in relationships, or health issues, what is the remedy to face and overcome depression?

Majlis 43: "How can you live a stress-free life?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
19 February 2021
Do you know a single person in this world who is free from hardship - whether he is rich or poor? This world is an abode of difficulties and calamities. We face a continuous stream of trials, troubles and tragedies.
In this kind of an environment, how can you live stress-free without being overwhelmed by anxiety? How do you achieve peace and contentment?

Majlis 38: "What is the benefit in cultivating good habits?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
02 January 2021
How do you form good habits? How do you guard yourself against bad habits that are harmful?
It is often difficult to take out time for good deeds when more base passions constantly pull the human soul towards selfish worldly pleasures. The Ikhwan-us-Safa state that “habit is the fifth nature,” but how do you cultivate good habits so that they become second nature?

Majlis 36: "Why should you keep a beard?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
27 November 2020
In Islam, why does Shari’at say men should keep a beard? What is the benefit and meaning of this rule? Is this a sunnat – a tradition of Rasulullah SA?
What does the beard symbolize in the context of Tawil?

Majlis 31: "How do you achieve contentment?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
16 October 2020
Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali SA said, “Contentment is a treasure that never runs out.” So, how do you achieve contentment?
But what about ambition? People wish for many things in this world and have many ambitions. How do we reconcile ambition with Amirul Mumineen’s advice about contentment?