Life Advice
How do you achieve contentment? What should you do if your mind gets tired? How can you get peace in times of difficulty? What is the benefit in cultivating good habits? Syedna TUS provides priceless practical life advice from the bayaans and guidance of our Mawali Tahireen, grounded in today's modern context.

Majlis 30: "How do you earn a living?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
09 October 2020
Allah Ta’ala says in the Quran Majeed “If from the beginning Allah gave all the humans in the world the wealth they desired – they would practice treachery on each other. Instead He sends down in due measure what He wills.” It is in God’s wisdom that humans expend effort and work hard to earn a living.
So how do you earn a good living?

Majlis 29: "How do you trust in God and not worry?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
02 October 2020
Worries, stress, and anxiety harm our bodies and our souls. There are many trials and tribulations in life that cause worry – how can you protect yourself?

Majlis 28: "What is the Wisdom in Walking the Middle Road?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
25 September 2020
In Arabic ‘wasat’ means the center of everything - to have balance and harmony. Allah Ta’ala says in the Quran Majeed in praise of the Imams that they are the “middle community” or the “community of the center” – ummatan wasata. What is the meaning of this characterization? What is the wisdom in it?

Majlis 25: "Why should you be patient in adversity? And how should you practice patience?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
04 September 2020
The Quran says, “Allah loves those who are patient in adversity.”
One could ask, why are we told to be patient in the face of adversity? Why are we told we will receive a reward for doing so? How should we practice patience and with what intention? What is the benefit a Mumin derives from practicing patience in this life?

Majlis 20: "How can you attain true happiness?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
17 July 2020
Amirul Mumineen SA has said “a Mumin is always bright and cheerful” (al-Muminu hash-shun bash-shun).
Most people wish to be happy – and remain happy. But how is that possible when the conditions of this world are so unpredictable: ups and downs, diseases, pain and quarrels. So many different kinds of worries. All this is very real. We face these challenges day and night in this world.

Majlis 6: "How can you get peace of mind in times of difficulty?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
09 April 2020
A pandemic has swept through the world from East to West. All around us a storm is blowing and there is hardship and pain. We are all worried about our loved-ones’ health and worried about our livelihood. How can we weather this storm and emerge stronger?