Meanings of Rites & Rituals
What is the meaning of Hajj? What is the inner meaning of fasting? Why do we visit the graves of Allah's Awliyaa? What is the meaning of Salawaat, and what is the wisdom in reciting it? Syedna TUS elucidates the numerous meanings and deep wisdom in the ritual stipulations of the Prophet Mohammed's SA Shari'at.

Majlis 79: "How can the meanings of Quran verses be truly understood?" | Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
17 October 2023
Allah Ta’ala states in the Quran Majeed that “the taweel - the true inner meaning – of the Quran is known only to Allah and those who are grounded in knowledge.” The outward revelation in Arabic is called tanzeel. The deep inner meaning is termed taweel. There are many interpreters of the Quran. All have their own varying interpretations. How do we know which interpretation is correct?

Majlis 76: "Faith is Love, What is the Wisdom in this Statement?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
15 May 2023
In this Majlis Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS quotes Imam Mohammed-ul-Baqir AS: “Religion is nothing but love.” We hear this phrase often. But why do we say that our deeds are accepted by the Almighty because of love? Why do we say salvation is because of love? What connects love and obedience?

Majlis 73: "Why do we perform slaughter of animals, and what is the meaning behind it?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
10 July 2022
In Eid ul Adha and particularly while performing Hajj we perform the sacrificial slaughter of animals (qurbani). What does ritual sacrifice symbolize?
A person can gain his sustenance and nourishment from grains, breads, and vegetables. Why ritually slaughter and sacrifice animals – whose meat we consume – and cause them pain? The Shari‘at not only permits this but encourages it. Why?

Majlis 72: "What is the meaning and deep wisdom in the proclamation of Allaho Akbar?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
02 July 2022
In every Azaan, Iqamat and Namaaz we say “Allaho Akbar.” Literally, we attest that “God is greater.” What does this mean? Why do we proclaim Allaho Akbar so frequently?
Saying something ‘is greater’ entails that there is a smaller version – but there is no ‘smaller’ God. And God has no likeness, so what is Allah greater than?

Majlis 71: "What is the wisdom in the inner meaning of fasting?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
01 April 2022
What is the inner taweel meaning of fasting? It is human nature to eat when one feels hungry. Why then are we commanded to abstain from food and drink whilst fasting?
Allah Ta’ala says in the Quran-e-Majeed, “Allah has completed upon you his blessings, both the manifest and the concealed.” What are these blessings in the context of fasting?
Majlis 67: "Why do we visit the graves of Allah's Awliyaa?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
22 January 2022
What is the wisdom in doing ziarat? Why do we visit the graves of our Awliyaa?
The literal Arabic meaning of the word ziarat is “to meet.” What is the significance of this?
How should a Mumin perform ziarat? What are the rewards and blessings that a Mumin receives by doing ziarat?

Majlis 55: "What is the meaning of Salawaat, and the wisdom in reciting it?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
02 July 2021
Allah Ta’ala commands Muslims in the Quran Majeed, “Allah ta’ala and his angels pray salawaat on the Prophet, O you who believe – Mumineen – pray salawaat on him and greetings.”
Is it not strange that Allah Ta’ala commands us to invoke salawaat and we in turn ask him to invoke salawaat. What is the reason for this?

Majlis 46: "What is the Distinction of the Eve of 15th Shabaan?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
02 April 2021
Rasulullah SA has said that abundant reward is reserved for those who worship Allah Ta’ala on the eve of 15th Shabaan. According to the guidance of our Awliya’ Kiraam, we pray 14 rak’at-s on this night. In each rak’at, we recite specific Quran Surahs 14 times. The reward of this prayer is equivalent to 20 pilgrimages of Hajj.
What is the meaning of this prayer?

Majlis 42: "What is the distinction of the month of Rajab?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
13 February 2021
A day is defined by the rising and setting of the sun - so what makes some days special?
Why is the month of Rajab so honoured? What is the distinction of completing Umrah in Rajab? Why is it a sunnat to do roza in the entire month of Rajab? Why do we commemorate with worship on the 1st night of Rajab, 13th, 14th and 15th of Rajab, and the 27th night and day of Rajab (Me’raj and Mab’as)?

Majlis 37: "What is the wisdom in offering Najwa?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
19 December 2020
It is the practice of Mumineen to offer najwa – that we also call salaam – to the Imam and Dai in every age, meaning they offer an amount of monetary value as a gift. Why do they do so? What is the importance and reward of doing so?
Do the Imam and Dai of the age need Mumineen’s najwa? If they do not need it, then why do they accept it?