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Majlis 27: "What is the Highest Knowledge? And Why?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series

18 September 2020

The Quran Majeed states that “Allah will exalt those who have knowledge to high ranks.”

The highest knowledge is the knowledge of Aal-e-Mohammad. And while all knowledge is knowledge, the knowledge of Aal-e-Mohammed is special. It has a higher status than all other kinds of knowledge. Why is that the case?

The highest knowledge within the knowledge of Aal-e-Mohammed is the knowledge of God: He is our Creator and He is One (‘ilm al-Tawhid). This is the heart of all knowledge. Why?

Syedna TUS answers these questions in this Majlis, the 27th in the Majalis al Hikma series.

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