Majlis 9: "Why do humans need a divine guide? And who is he?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
30 April 2020
What is the need for a Messenger, a Prophet, an Imam, a Dai? Many philosophers claim there is no need for Prophets and that, using our own God-given intelligence, we can understand higher truths. Why do we need a divine guide in order to obtain salvation?
Syedna answers this question in this 9th Majlis of the Majalis al-Hikma series.
Syedna then asks, If you believe there is indeed a need for a divine guide, who then is that guide? There are many who claim to be divine guides, but who really speaks the truth? How can we decide who is the true guide and whom we should follow? Syedna will answer this question in next week's Majlis insha’allah.