What is the reality of Paradise? Why are we believers (Mumineen)? Why do we believe in the Qur'an? Syedna TUS answers these and other theological questions, and illuminates the true philosophy of the religion of Islam.

Majlis 10: "How Do You Recognize the Divinely-Ordained Leader? And Who is He?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
07 May 2020
The Quran instructs Muslims (Surat Nisa: 59),“If you disagree in a matter, then take it to Allah and His Messenger to resolve.” Disagreements have not stopped since the time of Rasullulah SA. If there is no successor to the Messenger then this ayat has no meaning today. Even a small shop-owner is concerned about who will run his shop after him. Was Rasulullah not concerned who will lead after him?

Majlis 9: "Why do humans need a divine guide? And who is he?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
30 April 2020
What is the need for a Messenger, a Prophet, an Imam, a Dai? Many philosophers claim there is no need for Prophets and that, using our own God-given intelligence, we can understand higher truths. Why do we need a divine guide in order to obtain salvation?

Majlis 8: "Why is Ramadan honored over all other months of the year?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
23 April 2020
Why is Ramadaan known as Shehrullah – the month of Allah? Do the other months not belong to Allah? What does this month symbolize? Why do we fast in this month and what is the meaning of fasting? And why do we say that it is the month in which the Quran was revealed when, historically, the Quran was revealed over many years and months?

Majlis 7: "Why are we broadcasting Majalis al Hikma?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
16 April 2020
A listener posed these questions to Syedna: what is the objective of the ‘Wisdom Seminars’ (Majalis al Hikma)? What is the reason for doing bayaan in this manner at this time and broadcasting it? Why deliver the Majalis al-Hikma in three languages: Lisaan-al-Dawat, Arabic and English?

Majlis 5: "What is the philosophy of Dawat ul Haqq?" - Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Majalis al Hikma Series
02 April 2020
What is the meaning of the word philosophy? What is the philosophy of Dawatul Haqq? Syedna defines “philosophy” in this context as a perspective, a way of thinking. How can you make this philosophy a blueprint for your own life? How can you act upon it?