53rd Dai al-Mutlaq Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA First Urus - Naseemu Barakaatil-Ursil-Mubarak
18 March 2017
The 23rd of Jumadal Ukhra (Tuesday, 21st March) is the first urus of the 53rd Dai al-Mutlaq Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA. On this auspicious occasion, Syedna TUS has encouraged all Mumineen who are able to take the barakat of Urus in Darus Sakina, at the Mazaar-e-Aqdas of Syedna Qutbuddin.
After the wafaat of the 51st Dai Syedna Taher Saifuddin on 19th Rajab 1385H, his successor the 52nd Dai, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, resolved that the 51st Dai’s Urus Mubarak would be commemorated for three days. Similarly, after the wafaat of the 52nd Dai Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin on the 16th of Rabiul Awwal 1435H, his successor the 53rd Dai, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA, resolved that the 52nd Dai’s Urus Mubarak would be commemorated for three days.
Following the tradition of his predecessor, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS has resolved that the first Urus Mubarak of the 53rd Dai, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA, will be commemorated on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of Jumadal Ukhra. Syedna Fakhruddin TUS has given the historic name Naseemu Barakaatil-Ursil-Mubarak (the gentle wind of the barakaat of Urus Mubarak). The numerical value of these words is 1438, the year of Syedna Qutbuddin’s first Urus.
These are days for us to recite Qur’an Majeed on the niyyat of Syedna Qutbuddin RA. These are days for us to remember and offer shukur for his countless ihsanaat on us. These are days for us to pray salaam on Syedna Qutbuddin and seek his nazaraat from ‘aalamul Quds (heaven) and with his tawassul beseech doa to Allah Ta’ala.
Below are brief details for the program on the auspicious days of Urus.
- Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will preside over Urus Mubarak Majlis of 53rd Dai al-Mutlaq, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA, on 21mi, 22mi and 23mi raat of Jumadal Ukhra (18th, 19th and 20th March 2017) after Maghrib Isha Namaz in Ivan-e-Fatemi, Darus Sakina. Urus Majlis will be followed by Salawaat Jaman.
- On eve of Urus Mubarak 23mi raat (Monday, 20th March), Syedna Fakhruddin TUS will deliver waaz mubarak after Khatmul Quran Majlis. After waaz, Syedna TUS will proceed for Urus ziarat. Waaz relay recording will be available shortly thereafter.
- On 23rd of Jumadal Ukhra (Tuesday, 21st March 2017) – Urus Mubarak day, Syedna Fakhruddin TUS will preside over Khatmul Quran Majlis in sehen of Syedna Qutbuddin’s roza mubaraka at 10.30AM Insha’allah. Mumineen are invited for Salawaat and Niyaz Jaman after Majlis.
Mas’uls (Coordinators) in each town will inform local Mumineen about their respective Majlis programs. In towns where coordinators are listed, please contact them directly for further details.
Mumineen are urged to follow these amal details on this solemn, and auspicious occasion.