Chehlum 1446H - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS Boston Program
29 July 2024
Al-Dai al-Fatemi Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS has graciously accepted the araz of Mumineen in USA and will deliver Waaz Mubarak on the auspicious occasion of Imam Husain SA Chehlum in Boston, USA, insha’Allah.
Syedna TUS program will be on Saturday (24 August) and Sunday (25 August), further details will be announced soon.
This is indeed a great ne’mat for Mumineen in North America. Mumineen should make a special effort to attend and receive the barakaat of commemorating Chehlum in Hazrat Imamiyyah.
For further details please email
News & Events - Syedna TUS Boston Chehlum 1438 (2016)
Mumineen in the United States of America had the sharaf of hosting Aqa Maula Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS in Boston, Massachusetts on the occasion of Imam Husain SA Chelum in 1438 (2016). Local community guests also warmly received Aqa Maula and welcomed him to Boston. He spoke with them about the Fatemi Dawat's initiative to promote taqreeb, harmonious intercommunity relations.