Daily Quran Majeed Dawr and Reflections from Munajaat | Shehrullah al-Mu‘azzam Program 1442H - Mumbai
11 April 2021
The Quran Majeed Dawr and Munajaat Tilawat and Zikr program will start on the 1st of Shehrullah, Monday 12th April 2021, and will be held daily at 6:20pm India time. Mumineen may join via Zoom, please use this link every day and log in with your first and last name. (Meeting ID: 94839897197).
Syedi Mazoon Saheb AAB and sahebo will preside over program every day in Shehrullah insha'allah.
Please email: info@fatemidawat.com or WhatsApp the word 'chat' to: +917867865354 for any questions or concerns.
This program has been organized so that Mumineen can congregate virtually and take barakaat with Mazoon-e-Dawat Syedi Dr Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin AAB in this Mubarak month.