Listed below are the announcements from the office of Syedna Fakhruddin. Announcements include amal details for religious miqaats, administrative (jammat) instructions, and news.
Legal Update - January 2020
22 January 2020
The cross-examination of the Plaintiff’s next witness, Mukasir-e-Dawat Dr. Syedi Husain Bhaisaheb Burhanuddin Saheb AAB, PhD in Quranic Studies from the University of Cambridge, who has translated documents...
Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS Milad 1441H
21 December 2019
26th Rabiul Aakhar 1441H (23rd December 2019) is the auspicious occasion of the Milad of Dai-z-Zaman Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS. فيض سعادة الميلاد المبارك - ١٤٤١ه. Click here for program details.
Milad Imam-uz-Zaman SA 1441H
28 November 2019
Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will lead Maghrib Isha namaz & preside over Milad Majlis of Imam-uz-Zaman on eve of 4th of Rabi-ul-Aakhar 1441H (Saturday, 30th November 2019) at Darus Sakina, Thane. All mumineen are invited to salawaat jaman.
Legal Update - Nov / Dec 2019
21 November 2019
The cross-examination of His Holiness Syedna Taher Fakhruddin Saheb TUS’ (the Plaintiff) concluded on the 29th of January 2019, after 27 days of cross examination at the Hon’ble Bombay High Court.
Milad un Nabi 1441H
05 November 2019
Mazoon-ud-Dawatil-Gharra' Syedi wa Mawlaya Abdeali bhaisaheb Saifuddin AAB will lead Maghrib Isha namaz on eve of Milad un Nabi 12mi raat of Rabiul Awwal (Friday, 8th November) in Ivan-e-Fatemi, Darus Sakina, Mumbai.
Syedna TUS Appoints Mazoon and Mukasir – Muharram 1441H
15 October 2019
Mumineen had cause to celebrate at the beginning of the new year 1441H, with Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS delivering the bisharat – glad tidings – of the appointment of his Mazoon and Mukasir during the first waaz of Ashara Mubaraka.
Ashara Mubaraka 1441H Program
01 September 2019
In 1441H, al Dai-l-Ajal al-Fatemi Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will deliver Ashara Mubaraka waaz in Mumbai at Darus Sakina, insha'allah.
Fatemi Dawat Calendar - 1441H
01 September 2019
We are pleased to present the 1441H Calendar which presents main miqaats and parallel Gregorian dates. The calendar is presented in printable (A4) PDF format.
Legal Update: End of Syedna TUS Cross Examination
12 July 2019
The cross-examination of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS concluded on 29th January 2019, after hearings on 27 days at the Hon’ble Bombay High Court. The court will give directions for the next cross-examination dates on 8th August 2019.