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Ashara with Syedna TUS from Thousands of Miles Away

12 September 2020

“Let us go to Karbala,” said Syedna Taher Fakhruddin in his first Waaz. Syedna took Mumineen all across the globe with him on this journey of remembrance of Husain Imam SA, his Ahl al-bayt and Ashaab in Ashara Mubarak this year. Syedna performed Waaz from his home in Bakersfield CA. His bayaan reached every Mumin’s home and settled deep in their hearts.

Mumineen eagerly waited every day for Syedna’s Waaz to begin. Families gathered from the youngest to the oldest - all those who were alone in this Ashara Mubaraka did not feel alone. All were in Syedna’s direct presence. All felt a deep personal connection straight from Syedna’s heart into their own hearts.

Syedna virtually united a community that was physically scattered this year due to the pandemic. As the Waaz started, as Syedna’s voice reached us and as we saw him, the thousands of miles were bridged in a flash. It was as if we were sitting directly in front of Syedna in the masjid. We were absorbed into Syedna’s presence and dwelled in this barakat for three hours every single day during Ashara Mubaraka.

Syedna performed Waaz from the same mubarak location where Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin had performed Waaz in the year 1435H. We could see Syedna Qutbuddin’s affection and light coming through to us from Syedna Taher.

Syedna bestowed on us the noble ‘ilm of Aal-e-Mohammed bringing light to our souls. We heard many bayans recounted from Syedna Taher Saifuddin and Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin. Maulana generously bestowed sips of cold water to us from his deep ocean of knowledge.

In the Waaz, Syedna gave guidance to all Mumineen on how to face the challenges of life with piety and courage. We carry these lanterns with us in the coming year to illuminate the way forward for us in our daily lives.

Syedna brought to life the events of Karbala in front of our eyes. We saw Husain Imam’s shahadat happening through the eyes of Maulatuna Zainab AS. We saw Husain Imam’s sheer grief at the spear in Ali Akbar’s chest. We remembered the catastrophes that befell our Maula Husain and his Ahl al-Bayt. We saw the grief and anguish of Syedna and his deep pain in the remembrance of Husain Imam’s sacred sacrifice for the continuation of Dawat. With Syedna we cried tears of blood over Imam Husain and those mighty pillars of strength that were with him in Karbala.

Our love of Imam Husain and Ahl al-bayt was awoken and we were united in Syedna's fold. This was a historic event. It is the first time a Dai’s Waaz was broadcast live throughout Ashara Mubaraka.

Every Waaz was like a mighty wave. We were overflowing with barakaat. We offer gratitude a hundred times and still that is not enough for the barakaat that Syedna filled us with during this Ashara Mubaraka.

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