
This page contains akhbaar (highlights and photographs) from majlis, bayaans and other events.


Lailatul Qadar Wasila Mubarak Highlights & Photos

14 July 2015

On Laylat ul Qadr, 23rd Shehre Ramadan 1436H, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS led maghrib-isha namaaz in Darus Sakina and performed shaandaar ihya ul layl. Following washsheq namaaz, Syedna TUS prayed to Allah Ta’ala taking heartfelt vasila of Panjetan Paak, Aimmat Tahereen, Duaat Mutlaqeen, and Hudood Kiraam, and seeking their shafa’at and intercession. Syedna TUS particularly took vasila of....

Moulana Ali SA Shahadaat Waaz Highlights & Photos

14 July 2015

Syedna Qutbuddin TUS presided over Moulana Ali SA shahadaat wa’az in Darus Sakina after Maghrib-Isha and Washsheq namaaz on the eve of 19th Shehre Ramadan. Mumineen received the barakaat of the ‘ilm and knowledge of Aale Mohammed SA...............

17mi Raat Shehrullah Wasila Highlights & Photos

05 July 2015

Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS led Maghrib Isha and Washeq Namaaz on the eve of the 17th of Shehrullah in Darus Sakina.......

Shehrullah Pehli Tarikh Majlis & Syedna TUS Ibaadat Photos

20 June 2015

Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS presided over Pehli Tarikh Majlis of Shehrullah in Darus Sakina. Mumineen got sharaf of qadambosi and began the Mubarak month with the deedar of Syedna TUS, who in the time of seclusion of the Imam is the one referred to in Rasulullah’s SA Hadith, “do roza by seeing (and following) him and do iftaar by seeing (and following) him” (sumu li ru’yatihi wa aftiru li...

Maulatuna Hurratul Malika Urus Majlis

15 June 2015

Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS presided over Urus Majlis of Maulatuna Hurratul Malika Arwa binte Ahmad RA – the Hujjat of the Imam and the spiritual mother of Du’aat Mutlaqeen in Darus Sakina on 22nd raat of Shabaan-ul-Kareem (8th June) after Maghrib Isha Namaz.....

Shabbaraat – Thum Washeq Namaz & Wasila

08 June 2015

Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS, led Maghrib Isha namaz on the eve of the 15th night of Shabaan in Darus Sakina. The pillar of forbearance and virtue, Aqamaula TUS prayed Thum washeq with utmost khdu’ and khushu’. ...........

Janaza Namaz led by Syedna TUS of Taher bhai Matcheswala

24 May 2015

Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS led janaza namaaz of Taher bhai Matcheswala at Darus Sakina on 1st Shabaan. Syedna TUS also bestowed doa Mubarak for the marhoom for Rehmat, Shafaa’at of Panjetan, A’immat and Do’aat and for his family for Sabar....

Mab’as Waaz Bayaan Highlights & Photos

24 May 2015

Syedna TUS explained the depth of meaning in Rasulullah’s SA name, “Mohammed”. Literally, the name means, “one who is always praised.” Rasulullah’s SA virtues were such that he was always praised. In the Qur’an Majeed Allah Ta’ala praises Rasulullah SA as, “one who has a great character” (innaka la’ala khuluqin azeem – Surat al-Qalam:4). When Rasulullah SA established Islam, he drew people....

Me’raj Night Wasila (Rajab 27mi raat)

16 May 2015

On Lailatul Me’raj, Rajab 27mi raat (14th May, Thursday) Syedna Qutbuddin TUS led Maghrib Isha Namaaz and Washeq in Darus Sakina. Following Washeq, Syedna TUS beseeched the wasila of Panjetan Paak, A’immat Tahereen and their Du’aat Mutlaqeen. Syedna TUS particularly beseeched the wasila of our Nabi Mohammed Rasulullah SA who on this night travelled in Ruhaniyyat from Masjid-e-Haram in Makka....

Syedna Abdul-Qadir Najmuddin RA Urus

16 May 2015

Syedna Qutbuddin presided over the urus majlis of the 47th Dai al-Mutlaq, Syedna Abdul Qadir Najmuddin RA on 26th Rajab (Thursday 14th May) at Darus Sakina. Qasida Mubaraka composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA (Saqa Naw’un minat-taqdeese ramsa) and Salaam in Dawat ni Zaban composed by Shzd. Dr. Tahera baisaheba were recited.....

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