This page contains akhbaar (highlights and photographs) from majlis, bayaans and other events.
Al-Marhuma Rashida ben Arsiwala Janaza, Mumbai, India
18 November 2021
“Inna lillaahe wa-inna ilayhi raaji’oon”. Rashida Ben Arsiwala, wife of Mulla Ismail bhai Arsiwala, passed away on 28mi Rabi ul Awwal 1443H (3rd November 2021).
Ashara Mubaraka 1443H - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS | Remembrance of Imam Husain SA
21 September 2021
“Our year starts with the remembrance of Husain and the ilm of Aal-e-Mohammad,” said Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS in his first waaz, as he recounted the blessings of our Duaat Kiram and how they established the tradition of waaz in Muharram.
Syedi Mazoon Saheb's Priceless Life Lessons for Mumineen: Daily Zikr, Sherullah 1442
31 May 2021
Al-Maula al-Ajal Mazoon-ud-Dawatil-Gharra Syedi Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin AAB open heartedly and candidly addressed Mumineen every day in Shehrullah during “Daily Zikr.” As one Mumina expressed “ Syedi Mazoon Saheb AAB, our spiritual mother, undertakes our tarbiyat with shafaqat and love in the Daily Zikr, he shows us the middle road on which to lead our lives.”
Eid-ul-Fitr 1442H - Syedna's & Syedi Mazoon Saheb's Countless Barakaat
19 May 2021
On the auspicious day of Eid ul Fitr, al-Dai al-Ajal al-Fatemi Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS led Fajr Namaaz and Eid Khutba in Darus Sakina, Bakersfield. Syedna TUS beseeched doa to Allah Ta’ala for all Mumineen in a heartrending wasila.
19mi Shehrullah and Lailatul Qadr - Reflections On The Priceless Blessings We Received Through Ramadan al Mo’azzam
07 May 2021
On the night of 19th Ramadan al Mo’azzam, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS delivered Maulana Ali Shahaadat Waaz in Bakersfield, California. Mumineen around the world participated in the virtual event and watched Maulana’s TUS waaz mubarak online.
"Worship with Sincere Intention": Syedna Taher Fakhruddin's guidance to Mumineen in Sherullah
29 April 2021
“If you worship him (Allah) with free choice, with sincere intention and true recognition, you will attain abundant rewards whereas, worship without conviction brings no benefit.” Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS encouraged our community worldwide to uphold the spirit of sincere worship in Ramadan and embody, as the month demands, the best, the most humble, kind and generous of virtues.
Shehzadi Dr. Bazat-Tahera Bensaheba awarded the Nobel Prize of the Arab world: The Sheikh Zayed Book Award
25 April 2021
In the words of a past winner, “the Arab world’s equivalent to the Nobel prize” the Sheikh Zayed Book Award has been awarded to Yaqutato Dawatil-Haq Shehzadi Dr. Bazat-Tahera Bensaheba’ for her groundbreaking book “Arabic Oration: Art and Function." The book explores the foundations of Arabic Oration, particularly the Khutbah’s of Mohammed Rasulullah SA and Imam Ali SA.
Shzd Dr. Tahera Bensab Book Shortlisted for the "Sheikh Zayed Book Award"
27 March 2021
“One of the Arab world’s most prestigious prizes,” the Sheikh Zayed Book Award has shortlisted Yaqutato Dawatil-Haq Shehzadi Dr. Bazat-Tahera Bensaheba’s book, Arabic Oration: Art and Function in the category of “Arab Culture in Other languages''. Shehzadi Dr Tahera Bensaheba’s book was one of only four nominated out of over a hundred entries. The shortlist was announced on March 24 by the.....
"Art and Power of Arabic Oration (Khutba): Past and Present”: A lecture by Shehzadi Dr. Tahera Bensaheba
27 March 2021
Yaqutato-Dawatil Haq Shehzadi Dr. Tahera Bensaheba Qutbuddin passionately began her recent talk on Arabic oration, “In my presentation today, I want to talk about Arabic oration, khutba. This is a vast and complex topic with diverse facets. Today I will address some of its aesthetics and functions.”
Dawat ni Zabaan Madrasa Camp : Online Language Immersion Program for Kids
27 February 2021
“Khali dawat ni zaban ma waat karo, thoru bhi English nathi allowed,” children start to laugh, “Whoops, angrezi ma waat karvanu nathi….allowed” *facepalm* continues the teacher with a smile during the online game “Among Us.”