
This page contains akhbaar (highlights and photographs) from majlis, bayaans and other events.


Syedna Hatim RA & Syedna Ibrahim Urus Majlis Photos

15 November 2014

On Urus of Syedna Hatim bin Ibrahim RA nd Syedna Ibrahim Vajihuddin A their successor the 53rd Dai al-Mutlaq Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS presided over Urus and Darees Majlis in Darus Sakina. Majlis was followed by Salawaat jaman. Photos of the Majlis are presented here....

Shz Dr. Aziz bhaisab‘s Talk on Religious Tolerance at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

15 November 2014

The conference was inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor of the University and Shz Dr. Aziz bhaisaheb delivered a paper entitled “A Foundation for Islamic Tolerance: Reflections on the Concept of the Universality of Religions in Fatimid Thought, Policy and Practice”. The paper asserted that it was the “specific outlook and ideology of the Fatimids on the universality of religions that was....

Summaries & Photos from Syedna TUS 8, 9 & Aashura Waaz

08 November 2014

Syedna Qutbuddin bestows the greatest blessing of Ilm-e-Aale-Mohammad to mumineen and delivers waaz mubarak that inspires each and every soul to achieve greater heights in aqeedah (conviction) and akhlaaq (character). It is impossible to capture the essence of Moulana TUS waaz mubarak on paper, but here we would like to briefly narrate the contents of each waaz. We will offer a more detailed...

Summaries & Photos from Syedna TUS 2 Muharram till 7 Muharram Waaz

31 October 2014

Syedna Qutbuddin bestows the greatest blessing of Ilm-e-Aale-Mohammad to mumineen and delivers waaz mubarak that inspires each and every soul to achieve greater heights in aqeedah (conviction) and akhlaaq (character). It is impossible to capture the essence of Moulana TUS waaz mubarak on paper, but here we would like to briefly narrate the contents of each waaz. We will offer a more detailed.....

48th & 49th Dai Urus Majlis

24 October 2014

Syedna Qutbuddin TUS presided over the Urus Majlis of the 48th Dai Syedna Abdul Husain Husamuddin RA and the 49th Dai Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA at Darus Sakina, Thane. Qasida written by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA was recited followed by Salaam written by Shz. Dr. Bazat Tahera baisaheba. Photos of the Majlis are presented here...

Muharram Pehli Tarik Majlis

24 October 2014

Syedna Qutbuddin TUS presided over the pehli Tarik majlis on Muharram 1, 1436H. Khushi ni majlis was followed by qadam bosi and the new year thaal....

Syedna Qutbuddin TUS Eid e Ghadeer e Khumm Program, Bayaan Highlights & Photos

17 October 2014

Syedna Qutbuddin TUS delivered waaz Mubarak on the holy occasion of Ghadeer-e-Khumm at Darus Sakina, Thane. In the waaz Syedna TUS narrated the importance of the Day of Ghadeer for us as it is the day in which Rasululah SA did Nass on Amirul Mumineen and ensured the continuity of Dawat-ul-Haqq. Syedna stated that this is such a day, that the only way to describe it is that ‘there is no other...

Syedna Qutbuddin TUS Eid ul Adha Program

05 October 2014

Syedna Qutbuddin TUS lead namaz on Eid night and day in Darus Sakina, Thane. Following washeq on Eid night and Syedna TUS did doa that on the night of Muzdalifa, may Allah Ta’ala grant us qurba and zulfa (closeness and nearness ) to Panjetan, A’immat and their Du’aat. Following the Eid khutba in the morning, on Eid day, Syedna took the wasila of our mawaali tahereen and did doa for all mumineen...

Janaza Namaz led by Syedna TUS of Juzer bhai Najeeb

28 September 2014

4 Zil Hijja 1435H (28 September 2014) Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS led janaza namaaz of Juzer bhai Mulla Abdeali Najeeb at Darus Sakina on 4th Zil Hijja. Syedna TUS also bestowed doa Mubarak for the marhoom for Rehmat, Shafaa’at of Panjetan, A’immat and Do’aat and for his family for Sabar. Juzer bhai was buried in the Dawoodi Bohra Qabrastaan in Kausa (Near Mumbra)....

Milad Syedna Taher Saifuddin on 27th Zilqada

20 September 2014

27 Zilqada 1435H (20 September 2014) On eve of 27th Zil Qa’da (Saturday, 20th October), the eve of Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s RA Milad Mubarak of, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS delivered waaz mubarak in Darus Sakina after Maghrib Isha Namaz. Click here to view highlights from the bayaan...

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