Shehzada Dr Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin Ashara Mubarak Waaz 1- 10 Photos and Summaries
22 October 2016
1st Waaz Summary
Shezada Dr. Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin began this year’s Moharram waaz in London by reviving with heartfelt, inner grief, the remembrance, matam and weeping on Imam Husain, as mumineen gathered to listen, in the London Ashara waaz hall.
With a pertinent start befitting our place in the global world we live in, Shezada Saheb explained the identity of being a Mumin. Our Hudaat have given sacrifices in the face of hardship that have kept our past generations and us on the sirat-e- mustaqim. In this context, he related with clear precision the meaning of Rasulullah’s hadith, O children of Adam, obey Me and I will make you like Me, of Eternal life. He showed through three facets of ta’wil, why, in ruhaniyat, a true child of Adam, is he who holds true to his faith and lives up to the spiritual lineage of his spiritual father and mother.
Throughout the waaz, he remembered Syedna Burhanuddin who we all remember and Syedna Qutbuddin whose memory is with us, and prayed for Dai-z-zaman Syedna Taher Fakhruddin.
In ghamm nu bayan, as Mumineen wept, he said that the sacrifices of shuhada-e-karbala have sustained the identity of Mumineen and their pledge to truth, goodness and haqq, and shahadat of Imam Husain, has made us the true children of Adam.
3rd Waaz Summary
Shezada Saheb recited the profound doa of Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq for his true Shi’a who remained devout, despite the trials and persecution they faced, by saying May Allah make your lives that of ours, and your death that of ours and linked this to the hadith of Rasulullah expounded upon in his first waaz, in three further contexts: of knowledge, practice, and reward. He explained that to receive this doa we must be worthy and be true children of Adam.
Guidance, values and wisdom of our Imams were related through akhbar. News of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin’s recent visit to Delhi was related. Pranab Mukherjee, president, and Dr. Manmohan Singh, former Prime Minister, were both moved by Syedna’s aura and sincerity and applauded the values for which Syedna stood. Dr. Manmohan Singh said to Syedna, “you speak with such wisdom, that I too, wish to listen to your sermons”.
Concluding with ghamm-nu-bayan, Shezada Saheb said, that Husain is our example. Husain stood against tyranny with 72 by his side, when the masses went with Yazeed. He read the account of how Maulatena Fatema wept as Rasulullah conveyed to her what would happen to Imam Husain. He who weeps for Husain, son of Fatema, with sincerity, will become worthy of the profound doa of the Imam and fulfill the hadith of Rasulullah.
4th Waaz Summary
Mumineen listened attentively as Shezada Saheb related the meanings of the Quranic ayat: ‘Did you not see how Allah put forward the example of the good word, like a good tree, …’ He explained that Imam-uz-zaman is present on the face of the earth, here and now, and the chain of Nass continues from the beginning of time. Shehzada Saheb also did bayan of akhbar and falsafat. Mumineen were deeply moved by the exceptional recitation of shahadat of Ali-Asghar and Imam Husain.
5th Waaz Summary
On 6th Muharram Shehzada Abdeali Bhaisaheb did many zikrs of all the Anbiya, Panjatan, the Imams and the Dai’s with detailed hikmat. He explained the meaning of the Quranic Ayat, “Mohammad is a prophet, prophets have passed before him, and when he died or was killed you turned away, turning your backs, and he who turns his back on his heels will not harm Allah, but indeed Allah will reward the grateful.” He drew parallels to recent historical circumstances, and explained that fitnats arose in the Dawat just as they did after the wafaat of Rasullullah - people turned away from the Haqq. Shahadat of Ali Akbar, Husain Imam and Rasulallah was recited and Mumineen’s hearts melted as they wept for the sacrifices our Nabi and his Ahle-bayt have given.
6th Waaz Summary
On 7th Muharram, Shehzada Saheb reminded Mumineen that it was on this day that the enemies of Husain blocked water from him and his Ahle-Bayt and Ashaab for three days until the massacre of Ashura. The waaz continued with the remembrance of the azeem shaanof Maulatuna Fatema and hershafa’at for Mumineen. Drawing on the bayaans of Syedna Taher Saifuddin and Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin, Shehzada Abdeali Bhaisaheb related five virtues of Fatema: (i) Daughter of the Prophet, on whom his soul is ransomed and he said with a deep meaning that she is the mother of her father ; (ii) Bride of Ali, and because of the wedding of Ali and Fatema Allah gave inmahar the entry to heaven for the followers of the true Imams sons of Fatema ; (iii) Mother of Hasan and Husain who are the leaders of the youthful souls that enter heaven; (iv) The Dawat is the Fatemi Dawat, the true Imams and the Imam-uz-Zaman is the son of Fatema, and it links to her (v) She is the leader of all women in the world. In shahadat bayan, the dream of Maulatuna Zainab on the night of Ashura was recited, where she saw Maulatuna Fatema sweeping the floor of Karbala with her hair so not a stone would hurt Husain. The shahadat of Imam Husain and of Maulatuna Fatema was recited and as Mumineen wept and didmatam the bayaan of the shaanaat of Maulatuna Fatema and the tyranny she suffered filled Mumineen’s with sorrow.
7th Waaz Summary
On the 8th of Muharram Shehzada Saheb narrated several anecdotes of the infinite virtues of Maulana Ali and bestowed shukr in Mumineen’s hearts that we are the true Shi’a of Ali. He related a bayaan from Syedna Burhanuddin about the meaning of the word غدير ” Ghadeer” where he said the د is for Dai and the يـ is for Mazoon because he is the يد the hand of the Dai. He tookwasila of mushkil-kusha Ali and supplicated much doa, that he will be our aid for everything that burdens us. He explained the reward of reading Surat al-ikhlas, once, twice and thrice, amounting to degrees of reward of reading the Quran. He explained the ta’wil of this for those: (i) who read once, those who believe in Ali in their hearts, (ii) who read twice those who believe speak their faith for Ali (iii) who read thrice, those who believe, speak their faith and undertake to assist their cause, of reaping 1/3, 2/3 and the reward of the whole Quran respectively. Shehzada Saheb read from the hamd of Syedna Taher Saifuddin risalat, and explained that Allah made what seemed impossible, possible for Rasulallah. As we strive through these difficult times, Allah is with us, the doa of Husain, or mushkil-khusha is with us, as we uphold our faith. What seems impossible will be made possible. He read the shahadat of Abbas Alamdaar and of Husain Imam, with much fervor and it felt like it was Ashura.
8th Waaz Summary
On the 9th of Muharram, Shehzada Abdeali Bhaisaheb explained the aspect of ‘tadbir’ in the actions of our Awliya in relation to the Quranic Ayat, “lahu Dawatul Haqq” (for Him is the Dawat of Haqq). He then explained in detail some of the strategies of Rasulallah, Maulana Ali and our Imams to sustain and propagate the Dawat through times of adversity. He also continued to explain with insight the more recent times of Syedna Taher Saifuddin, Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin and the hikmat with which they prepared and strengthened the Dawat. Shehzada Saheb explained how Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin combatted all oppression, laying the ground for the preservation of haqq ni Dawat, and how he prepared his jaanashin Syedna Taher Fakhruddin, who today leads Mumineen with astute guidance through turbulent times. He also related several anecdotes of Hasan Imam and Husain Imam, such as that of the pearl necklace of Maulatuna Fatema. He also detailed of how once Burhanuddin Maula came to Qutbuddin Maula’s house in Saify Mahal, and then said to him with a tenure of wisdom and foresight and giving doa, “one can see far from here.” He recited theshahadat of Abdullah, son of Hasan Imam, shahadat of Husain Imam, and then theshahadat of Hasan Imam, depicting the heartbreaking parting of Hasan from Husain.
9th Waaz Summary
On 10th Muharram, Shehzada Abdeali Bhaisaheb said that, “if we breath today we breathe ‘Ya Husain, Ya Husain Ya Husain’” to express the profoundness of the sacrifice of Imam Husain. He continued that the doors of heaven are open to those who weep on Husain, the beloved of Rasulallah, of Ali, of Fatima, the brother of Hasan, the 5th of the Panjatan. The Ashara waaz hall resonated with the sound of matam and echoed in the weeping of Mumineen Mukhliseen. Shehzada saheb recalled Syedna Burhanuddin’s bayaan of how the angels attend and gather the tears of those who weep on Husain and make them a treasure for the day of judgement. He expounded on the Quranic ayat, “do not consider those who have been killed in the path of Allah, as dead, no, indeed, they are alive, blessed near their Lord reaping wealth.” Shehzada Abdeali Bhaisaheb related the akhbar of Rasulallah who said, even if the sun and moon were placed in his hands he would never forsake the mission, the Dawat, he had been entrusted with. He read the sacrifices of all Panjatan, our Imams, Dua’at and Hudaat, and of resolute Mumineen Mukhliseen. He elaborated on the sacrifice that Husain gave, and how he and 72 with him, stood for the sake of Islam, Iman and Dawat, when the masses went with Yazeed for worldly convenience. Husain is the symbol of truth against tyranny and the world will never forget him. In this context he also read the kalaam of Maulana Ali which explain that there are 4 pillars of Iman, faith: yaqeen (inner belief), sabr (fortitude), standing for one’s faith (jihad), and adl (justice).
10th Waaz Summary
On 10th Muharram, arriving for themaqtal bayan, Shehzada Saheb recited the kalaam, baqiyatu umrul mumine la qimata laha (that which remains of the life of the Mumin is priceless) – Shehzada Saheb expressed that no one knows if we will be here next year or not, and he urged Mumineen to reap all that is left of each of our lives with the remembrance of Imam Husain. Ya Husain, Ya Husain resonated through the hall. Pearls of doathrough the wasila of Husain filled every moment. Shehzada Saheb said let us weep for Husain as if the tragedy of Karbala is happening today, before our own eyes. And that is indeed how it was. Mumineen were moved beyond words, through the power, fervor, sincerity, and grief in Shehzada Saheb’s recital of maqtal andshahadat of Ashaab, Ahle-bayt and Imam Husain, they said they felt as if they were in Karbala. Grief for Husain, love for Husain, matam on Husain filled every single moment; it was as if thousands filled the hall, and the angels said labbayk as Mumineen’s voices called out “Ya Husain ya Husain ya Husain.”