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  4. The Month of Milads: Imam-uz-Zaman SA, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA 1439H

The Month of Milads: Imam-uz-Zaman SA, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA 1439H

24 January 2018

Milad Imam-uz-Zaman SA

On the eve of 4th Rabiul Akhar, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS led Maghrib Isha Namaaz, and then presided over Tayyib Imam SA Milad khushi-ni-majlis in Ivan-e-Fatemi. Shehzada Dr Husain Bhaisaheb Burhanuddin did tilawat of Quran-e-Majeed and Syedna Taher Saifuddin's RA qasida mubaraka was recited.

Milad Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA

On the eve of 20th Rabiul Akhar 1439H, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS led Maghrib Isha Namaaz, and then presided over darees and khushi-ni-majlis of Maulana Burhanuddin’s Milad in Ivan-e-Fatemi.

Dai-z-zaman Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS Milad Majlis

On 26 Rabiul Akhar 1439H, Mumineen Mukhleseen in all parts of the world joyously celebrated the 52nd Milad of our beloved Dai-z-zaman Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS. Syedna TUS presided over Khushi Majlis in Ivan-e-Fatemi and graced Mumineen with Bayaan and Doa (click here to watch Syedna TUS bayaan in full). After Majlis, Maulana TUS led Zohr Asr Namaaz.

Maulana emphasized the meaning of the word “hasanat” and said that hasanat means walayat of Mohammed and Aal-e-Mohammed and it is because of our walayat that we will receive Jannat. Maulana prayed the Quranic ayat “the ones who have hasanat for them is husna (Jannat), rather much more”

Maulana emphasized that ta’at (farmabardari) is a fundamental aspect of walayat. Maulana explained that Mumineen gathered in Darus Sakina because of their mohabbat and in religion – the call of Dawat is fundamentally that of love. However, once one accepts the Dai and has mohabbat for him, it is essential that he/she give Misaaq. Maulana explained that it is not a paradox of choice and obligation – instead it is the simultaneous necessity of both. Maulana remembered the ihsanaat of the Du’at before him and their love and care for Mumineen. Syedna expressed to Mumineen that the same love and affection which Syedna Qutbuddin RA held for them in his heart, Maulana holds for Mumineen in the same regard in his heart and prays for them every day.

Maulana did zikr of the six days in court that he personally attended for cross-examination. Maulana emphasized again that nass once conferred is final and cannot be changed. The Nass is conferred by ta’yeed and ilham of Imam and hence has to be truthful and infallible.

Maulana also bestowed precious doa for all Mumineen. After Majlis and Namaaz, Mumineen obtained sharaf of qadambosi and all partook of salawaat-nu-jaman.

On Milad day, Muminaat behno were invited to Darus Sakina, where all obtained the great honor of wadhawanu rasam of Imam-uz-zamaan’s Dai, and qadambosi.

Madrasa and Sports Program

On Sunday 27th Rabiul - Aakhar a sports program was held for Mumineen and Muminaat on Milad day. Many games including cricket, throw ball, badminton, and tug-of-war were played.

Later that evening, Maulana TUS presided over a program by children of Fatemi Dawat Madrasa. Maulana presided over the program which began with the recitation of Quran Majeed by Shz Abdeali bhaisaheb Saifuddin’s son, Husain bhaisaheb. and the children recited the letters of the alphabet from Syedna Qutbuddin’s RA “Abun Mushfiq” alphabet book, then they recited milad madehs, poems and presented Maulana with the Milad cards that they had made.

Sabaq (Philosophical Discourses)

That evening, 28mi raat, Maulana led Maghrib Isha Namaaz in Ivan-e-Fatemi, and imparted ilm-e-ladunni in sabaq to Mumineen who participate in regular sabaq halqas; a large number of attendees were from Mumbai, and many had traveled especially for the sabaq, and additionally a large number partook via private video broadcasting. In this sabaq Syedna TUS expounded further on the deep meaning of “hasanat”.

Milad Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA

On the eve of 29th Rabiul Akhar, Maulana led Maghrib Isha Namaaz, and then presided over darees and khushi-ni-majlis of Maulana Qutbuddin’s Milad in Ivan-e-Fatemi.

Maulana also performed 2 Nikah’s on this evening

On Jumadil Ula 1st evening Maulana presided over pehli tarikh majlis for the new month of Jumadal Ula.

Every day, Maulana also led Maghrib Isha Namaaz , and performed Syedna Qutbuddin’s ziarat. In the evenings, several Mumineen had the joy and sharaf of hosting their beloved Maulana in ziafat of shukr; all sabaq attendees were invited and enjoyed the beautiful evenings under the lighted trees in Darus Sakina. On one of the nights all Mumineen enjoyed a barbecue.

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