Ashara Mubaraka Amal Details
19 January 2023
Waaz: Mumineen who are unable to attend waaz in Thane, India, are urged to congregate and get together to listen to Syedna Taher Fakhruddin's TUS waaz and for Imam Husain SA Niyaz jaman in their home towns and are requested to contact to coordinate with others in the same area. If not possible for all days, we urge mumineen to gather at least for the last three days, or at the very least for Aashura.
Marsiya Raat Majlis: Mumineen who are unable to attend in person should listen to marsiya and noha raat majlis. This program has been organised so that Mumineen can congregate virtually and take barakaat in these auspicious days of Ashara Mubaraka and remember Imam Husain SA.
Mumineen should:
- Recite daily "Ya Sayyida ash Shuhadaai" composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA (presented with English translation and audio recording)
- Recite daily "Fulkul Husain" composed by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA
- Recite daily "Nafsi Tahujju Ilal Husaini Bi Karbala" composed by Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
- Do tasbeeh of "Ya Husain" 128 times - the 'adad of Imam Husain's AS name (just as Ali is 110) - which is the most barakati nuskha prescribed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA.