Ashara 1446H

This is the Fatemi Dawat 1446H Ashara Mubaraka page. Inshallah all Ashara relevant material including broadcast links, waaz summaries, waaz video excerpts, photos, program details etc. will be updated here daily.

Waaz 8 | Broadcast
Waaz 8 | Broadcast

Waaz 8 | Broadcast

14 July 2024

Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will deliver the eighth Ashara Mubaraka waaz on 9th Muharram in Mazaar-e-Qutbi Complex at 10:30am India time (Monday 15th July). Syedna TUS graciously granted raza for the waaz to be relayed live worldwide on YouTube.

Noha & Marsiya Majlis 8 | 9th Night Muharram 1446H

14 July 2024

14th July 2024 - Imam Husain SA 'Azaa & Marsiya Majlis will be held every night during Ashara Mubaraka 1446H after Maghrib Isha Namaaz at 8:00pm India time. The eighth majlis will be held today, Wednesday 9th raat Muharram. Mumineen unable to join in person may join via YouTube.
Waaz 7 | Broadcast
Waaz 7 | Broadcast

Waaz 7 | Broadcast

13 July 2024

Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will deliver the seventh Ashara Mubaraka waaz on 8th Muharram in Mazaar-e-Qutbi Complex at 10:30am India time (Sunday 14 July). Syedna TUS graciously granted raza for the waaz to be relayed live worldwide on YouTube.
Selections From Waaz 3 | "The Book of the Righteous is in the Highest Heavens"
Selections From Waaz 3 | "The Book of the Righteous is in the Highest Heavens"

Selections From Waaz 3 | "The Book of the Righteous is in the Highest Heavens"

13 July 2024

Aqa Maula TUS quoted the Qur’an and explained that today was the majlis of Ibrahim SA, and Ibrahim SA alone was an Ummat. Rasulullah SA said to Maulana Ali SA, “You and me, O brother Ali, are the Dawat of our father Ibrahim.” Hidden in these words are great secrets. Read a detailed summary of Syedna's TUS third waaz here.
Noha & Marsiya Majlis 7 | 8th Night Muharram 1446H
Noha & Marsiya Majlis 7 | 8th Night Muharram 1446H

Noha & Marsiya Majlis 7 | 8th Night Muharram 1446H

13 July 2024

13th July 2024 - Imam Husain SA 'Azaa & Marsiya Majlis will be held every night during Ashara Mubaraka 1446H after Maghrib Isha Namaaz at 8:00pm India time. The seventh majlis will be held today, Wednesday 8th raat Muharram. Mumineen unable to join in person may join via YouTube.
Waaz 6 | Broadcast
Waaz 6 | Broadcast

Waaz 6 | Broadcast

13 July 2024

Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will deliver the sixth Ashara Mubaraka waaz on 7th Muharram in Mazaar-e-Qutbi Complex at 10:30am India time (Saturday 13 July). Syedna TUS graciously granted raza for the waaz to be relayed live worldwide on YouTube.
Waaz Mubarak Q&A Sessions (Friday 6th and Sunday 8th Muharram)
Waaz Mubarak Q&A Sessions (Friday 6th and Sunday 8th Muharram)

Waaz Mubarak Q&A Sessions (Friday 6th and Sunday 8th Muharram)

12 July 2024

Zumurrudatu Dawat il Haqq Shehzadi Dr. Bazat Saifiyah Bensaheba will conduct Waaz Q&A sessions on 6th and 8th Muharram 1446H, at 5:30pm India time insha’Allah, in the Iwan-e-Fatemi Sabaq Room. Mumineen Muminaat and their children may attend and ask questions regarding the Waaz Mubarak bayaan. Mumineen who cannot attend in person may register to join via Zoom.
Noha & Marsiya Majlis 6 | 7th Night Muharram 1446H
Noha & Marsiya Majlis 6 | 7th Night Muharram 1446H

Noha & Marsiya Majlis 6 | 7th Night Muharram 1446H

12 July 2024

12th July 2024 - Imam Husain SA 'Azaa & Marsiya Majlis will be held every night during Ashara Mubaraka 1446H after Maghrib Isha Namaaz at 8:00pm India time. The sixth majlis will be held today, Wednesday 7th raat Muharram. Mumineen unable to join in person may join via YouTube.

Selections From Waaz 2 | "The Ship of Salvation"

12 July 2024

The Imams after him were the ship of salvation, and in their seclusion, the Dais are the ship of salvation for Mumineen. This safinat al-najat keeps Mumineen safe from the trials and tribulations of the world around us. Read further about Syedna's TUS second waaz here.
Waaz 5 | Broadcast
Waaz 5 | Broadcast

Waaz 5 | Broadcast

11 July 2024

Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will deliver the fifth Ashara Mubaraka waaz on 6th Muharram in Mazaar-e-Qutbi Complex at 10:30am India time (Thursday 12 July). Syedna TUS graciously granted raza for the waaz to be relayed live worldwide on YouTube.

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