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Section D: Essential Namazes: Shafa’ Watar

06 April 2023

Bihori Hafti PDF: Part 1 | Part 2 | 🕋 N&D App Bihori

This is also an essential part of Bihori Namaz. Shafa time is the time before Sihori and ends when Fajr time starts.

If you are unable to pray Nisful Layl at that time but wake up a little earlier before Sihori time then you should pray all the namaz in the Bihori except Nisful Layl (you can pray Salatul-Layl instead of Nisful Layl). If only a short time remains before Sihori time ends then you should pray Shafa Watar Juloos.

✾ Shafa Watar Juloos Namaz

🕋 N&D App | Hafti Part 1 Pg. 102 PDF | Video (with audio & English Translation)

  • Shafa' Niyaat:

اُصَلِّيْ صَلَوةَ الشَّفْعِ رَكْعَتَيْنِ للهِ

  • Watar Niyyat:

اُصَلِّيْ صَلَوةَ الْوَتْرِ رَكْعَةً للهِ

  • Julus Niyyat:

اُصَلِّيْ صَلَوةَ الْجُلُوْسِ رَكْعَتَيْنِ للهِ

  • Doa audio:
  • Munajaat audio:
  • Doa audio:

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