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Qasidas, Marsiyas, Salaams, Munajaats

Visit the Namaaz & Doa App for a comprehensive library of qasidas, marsiyas, salaams, and munajaats, available on Android and IOS.

These section includes selections from the vast literary heritage of Da‘wat including Qasidas in the praise of Panjetan, Ai’mmat and Du’at, Marsiyas in the remembrance of Awliya’ and especially Imam Husian, and Salaams on our Hudaat. Munajaats in supplication to Allah Ta’ala are also available here. Most of the Arabic Qasidas include Dawat-ni-zaban fehwa and English translation. Also included in this section are a collection of qasidas by Syedna Qutbuddin. Audios of many qasidas, marsiyas, salaams and munajaats have been uploaded also. 

Visit the Namaaz & Doa App for a comprehensive library of qasidas with translations and audio, available on Android and IOS.

Visit our Arabic website to view more qasidas without English translations.

  • "Ya Aala Fatematin Deenukumu Qiyamu” Composed by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin
  • "Alamma Bi Deenil-lahi 'uzma-Imasa'ibi" Composed by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin
  • "Ya Aala Tahar Rida Anwaarukum Laami'a" Composed by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin
  • "Fulkul Husaine Bi Karbala" Composed by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin
  • "Nooru Muhayyaka Ya Sayfal Huda Laami'u" Composed by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin
  • "Alayka Salaamul-Laahi Daaban Mu'abbada" Composed by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin
  • "Tabasheeru Fat'hin Daw'uha Laaha Fil Ufqi" - by Shz Dr Aziz Bhaisaheb Qutbuddin
  • "Ala Nazaraatu Dai'na Shifa'u" - by Shz Dr Aziz Bhaisaheb Qutbuddin
  • "Salaamun Ala Rawdati-Tahera"by Shz Dr Aziz Bhaisaheb
  • "Ta'assayto bis-sabril jameele wa laakinna" by Shz Dr Aziz Bhaisaheb
  • "Ala Awliyaa'ul-lahe Fil Khulde Ahya'u" by Shz Dr Aziz bhaisaheb
  • "Junudu Samaa'e lakum Naasera" by Shz Dr Tahera Baisaheba
  • "Ya Qutbadeenilahi Ya Sayyeda" by Qutub Khan bhaisaheb
  • "Qasida Al Burda" by Al Busiri

Visit the Namaaz & Doa App for a comprehensive library of salaams with translations and audio, available on Android and IOS.

Visit our Dawat-ni-Zaban website to view salaams without English translations.

Visit the Namaaz & Doa App for a comprehensive library of marsiya and noha with translations and audio, available on Android and IOS.

Visit our Dawat-ni-Zaban website to view noha and marsiya without English translations.

Visit the Namaaz & Doa App for a comprehensive library of maraasi mawali kiraam with translations and audio, available on Android and IOS.

Visit our Dawat-ni-Zaban website to view marasi mawali kiraam without English translations.

Visit our Dawat-ni-Zaban website to view madehs without English translations.

Visit the Namaaz & Doa App for a comprehensive library of munajaat with translations and audio, available on Android and IOS.

Visit our Arabic website to view more munajaats without English translations.

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