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Syedna TUS Doa Message: COVID-19 Pandemic

12 March 2020

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

His Holiness Syedna Taher Fakhruddin Saheb TUS prays for the protection of all people from the COVID-19 pandemic.

His Holiness advises that precaution for prevention and spread is paramount. Syedna Fakhruddin TUS urges his community to cooperate and assist in whatever manner possible and necessary to contain the spread of this virus, and also to help those affected.

The COVID-19 virus poses a threat to all people, regardless of their nationality, race, religion, or gender. This underscores the need for all of our human family to put aside differences and work together for our common survival and well-being.

Mumineen are also advised to pray Doa al-Joshan, perform tasbeeh of "hasbonallaho wa ne'mal wakeel", "wa hifzan zaalika taqdirul-Azizil-Aleem", and recite Nas Falak surats.

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Detailed Guidelines and Advice from the World Health Organization

Watch the World Health Organization's Video on Prevention

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