Good Character and Values
This section features contains articles drawing on the guidance, khutbas (sermons), and sayings of our Saints and revered religious figures regarding the moral character we should strive to upload, the core values we should aim to uphold, and the vices that we should cleanse ourselves of.

"Piety and Virtue in Early Islam - Two sermons by Imam Ali"
19 March 2019
We are pleased to present Shehzadi Dr Tahera Baisaheba’s article which was published in, “Self Transcendence and Virtue: Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology.” In this powerful article, Tahera bensab brilliantly and poignantly explains the relationship between piety and virtue according to the teachings of our Hudaat Kiram, especially Amirul Mumineen.

Traits of a Mumin - Part 2
19 August 2017
A Mumin refrains himself from what is haraam – that which God has forbidden. Since a Mumin is “rational in learning” (see part 1), he also recognizes that what Allah Ta’ala has forbidden, He has done so for a reason. The reasoning is sometimes immediately made clear

Traits of a Mumin - Part 1
18 July 2017
We recognize ourselves as “Mumineen” (singular “Mumin”); those who have “imaan” (faith) and those who believe. Particularly, those who believe Rasulullah SA and his successors when they speak of the Hereafter, the unknown (ghayb). We believe in the Oneness of Allah Ta’ala, that Rasulullah SA is His messenger, that Amirul Mumineen Ali SA is his wasiyy
"Unity Through Promotion of Good Morals and Education"
04 March 2017
With the raza mubarak of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS, and in remembrance of Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA, the Qutbi Jubilee Scholarship Program organized a two day international seminar in partnership with the University of Calcutta,

"Silent Ambassadors"
26 February 2017
Imam’s SA wise counsel emphasizes the obedience of Allah Ta’ala but also stresses the positive manner in which we should deal and interact with people in general. He singles out the virtues of honesty, fairness, and goodness.

Four Things for Success in Life: The Example and Teachings of our Awliya Kiraam on the Milad of Imam-uz-zaman
07 January 2017
On the 4th of Rabiul Akhar we look at 4 instances from our history which teach us how to be optimistic and how to succeed in our resolutions and in life. I then distil the lessons gleaned from this history into 4 points based on the teachings of our Awliya.

“Universal Human Virtues Found in Arabic Literature” - Shzd Dr Tahera Baisaheba Podcast
02 December 2016
We are pleased to present this audio podcast from Shehzadi Dr Tahera Baisaheba’s interview with the “Virtue, Happiness, and the Meaning of Life” project at the University of Chicago.

Train Like an Olympian
20 August 2016
As many of us marvel at the physical dexterity, strength and fitness of the Olympians in Rio, we are amazed at what human beings can achieve if only they put their mind to it.

Universal Life Lessons from Amirul Mumineen SA - "Be Endeared to All"
23 July 2016
This teaching encourages endearment not only with family, not only with friends, not only with community, but with all “people.” It raises the expectation of one being endeared to his family and friends, to being endeared to all humans with who we interact. It sets the bar very high.

The Six ‘Jawaarish’ (Remedies)
18 March 2016
There is no one in this world who is safeguarded from its trials and tribulations. In reality, as Syedna al-Mu’ayyad states, “those who are most pious are tested in this world to the limits”