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Ten Virtues of a Mumin – The Ten Virtues in the Hereafter

08 January 2016

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

وللآخِرَةُ أكبَرُ دَرَجاتٍ وأكْبَرُ تَفْضِيلاً،

'And truly the Hereafter is greater in degrees (darajaat) and greater in preferment.'

(Surat al-Isra’: 21)

مَنْ رَزَقَهُ اللهُ وَلايَةَ عَلِيّ بنِ ابيطالب صع فَقَدْ أَصَابَ خَيْرَ الدنيا والآخرة، ولا اشكّ له بالجنّة، وإنّ في حبّ علي وولايته عشرين خصلة، عشرة منها في الدنيا وعَشَرةً في الآخرة* ... وامّا التي في الآخرة ١) فإنّه لا يحشر له ديوان، ٢) ولا ينصب له ميزان، ٣) ويعطى كتابه بيمينه، ٤) ويكتب له براءة من النار، ٥) ويبيّض الله وجهه، ٦) ويكسى من حلل الجنّة في ظلل الجنّة، ٧) وينظر الله اليه بالرحمة، ٨) ويشفع في مائة من اهل بيته، ٩) وينعم في الجنّة، ١٠) ويدخل الجنّة بغير حساب،

'He who is given the bounty (rizq - rozi) of the valaayat of Ali has attained the goodness of this world and the Hereafter, and I do not doubt that he will enter jannat. Ali’s love and valaayat entail twenty virtues: 10 in this world (dunya) and 10 in the Hereafter (aakherat)…and the ten virtues he will attain the Hereafter are: 1) his register of deeds will not be scrutinized, 2) a weighing scale will not be set out for him, 3) he will be given his book in his right hand, 4) he will be decreed safety from Hellfire, 5) Allah Ta’ala will illumine his face, 6) he will be clothed with the robe of Jannat in the shade of Jannat, 7) Allah Ta’ala will look at him with Rehmat and mercy, 8) he will be allowed to intercede for a hundred of his kin, 9) he will receive the abundance and bliss of Jannat, 10) he will enter Jannat without judgment.'

(Rasulullah SA)

This article was written by Ra'sul Hududil Mayameen Janab Syedi Aziz Bhaisaheb Qutbuddin in 2016.

In the previous ten Sijill Articles we highlighted and explained each of the ten virtues of a Mumin in this world (Sijill Articles 90-99). In this special issue of the 100th Sijill, we present the ten virtues of a Mumin in the Hereafter (Aakherat). These ten virtues detail the reward that a true Mumin receives in the Aakherat; a true Mumin is one who loves Amirul Mumineen SA, the Imams and their Dais, bears walaayat for them, and lives his life according their guidance and example. It also follows that this reward is for those who had committed their lives to acquiring the ten virtues of this world.

Each of the virtues of the Hereafter describes the bliss awaiting a Mumin in Aaakherat in terms that we can understand. As in the Quran Majeed, abstract concepts are expressed using physical examples and this-worldly concepts that we can relate to and understand. The ten virtues underscore the primary tenet of our belief, that our sincere walaayat for our Mawali Tahereen ensures that we will attain salvation and Jannat - this is the essence of the ten virtues of the Hereafter. That is the great benevolence of Allah Ta’ala and his Awliya’ Kiraam. But it is what we have done and achieved in our life in this world and our efforts to attain the ten virtues of this world that determines our level and darajaat in Aakherat. The Quran Majeed declares, “See how We have given preference to some of them over others. And truly the Hereafter is greater in degrees (darajaat) and greater in preferment (Surat al-Isra’: 21).”

These are the ten virtues of the Hereafter; they are described here very briefly:

  1. His Register of Deeds (diwan) will not be scrutinized (la yuhsharu lahu diwan). The Quran Majeed asserts that on the Day of Judgment (Qiyamat) “when scrolls (of deeds) will be unfurled” (Surat al-Takweer: 10), a Mumin will enter Jannat because of his walaayat without scrutiny of his Register. His deeds will determine his darajaat in Jannat.
  2. A weighing scale (mizaan - balance) will not be set out for him (wa la yunsabu lahu mizaan). In one ayat, the Quran Majeed refers to the weighing scale (mizaan) that has been placed to weigh people’s conduct (Surat al-Shura: 17). In another ayat it is stated, “so whosoever does an atom’s weight of good shall see it, and whsoever does an atom’s weight of evil shall see it” (Surat al-Zalzala: 7-8). A weighing scale will not be placed for a Mumin to determine his entry to Jannat, because by the virtue of his walaayat, which the greatest good deed of all, the scale is tipped in his favor.
  3. He will be given his Book in his right hand (wa yu’ta kitabahu bi-yameenih). Several ayats refer to this concept of a Mumin receiving his Book in his right hand. “That Day, you will be exhibited [for judgement]; not hidden among you is anything concealed. So as for he who is given his record in his right hand, he will say, "Here, read my record! Indeed, I was certain that I would be meeting my account." So he will enjoy a pleasant life, in a lofty Garden, in which clusters of fruit are in easy reach. ‘Eat and drink in reward for what deeds you put by in former days’” (Surat al-Haaqqah: 18-24). Because of the virtue of walaayat, a Mumin will receive his Book in his right hand and enter Jannat as a result of the “deeds he put by.” While washing our right hand during wuzu, we pray, “O Allah, give me my book of deeds in my right hand, and do not give it to me in my left hand.”
  4. He will be decreed safety from Hellfire (wa yuktabu lahu bara’atun minan-naar). The last ten days of Shehrullah are those of “freedom from Hellfire” (‘itqun minan-naar). Throughout Ramadaan we pray, “O God, I ask Heaven (Jannat) from you and beseech you to save me from Hellfire (Jahannam).” Imam Sadiq SA once pulled up his sleeve and said, “If one of our Shi’a is thrown into the fire because of his sins, I will put this hand of mine in the fire and pull him out. If I do not do this, I am not your Imam.”
  5. Allah Ta’ala will illumine his face (wa yubayyidu-llahu wajhahu). On the Day of Judgment, the Quran asserts, “some faces are blackened, and some faces made radiant. As for those whose faces are blackened, they will be told, 'Did you disbelieve after you had believed? Then taste the chastisement for what you disbelieved!' But as for those whose faces are made radiant, they shall placed in God's mercy, abiding forever therein” (Surat Aale-Imraan: 106-107). Also during wuzu, in the doa we pray while washing our face, we say, “O Allah illumine my face with the light of ma’rifat – the light of knowledge of you- on the day that you illumine the faces of Mumineen and blacken the faces of Mushrikeen, and illumine my face with the light of faith (imaan).”
  6. He will be clothed with robes of Jannat in the shade of Jannat (wa yuksa min hulalil-jannati fi zulalil jannah). The descriptions in the Quran describe Jannat, which is purely spiritual, with physical examples of bliss and manifestations and joy in this world. In one detailed passage, the Quran Majeed describes Jannat and refers to its garments of ‘fine green silk and brocade’: “God has therefore shielded them from the evil of that day, and has granted them radiance and joy. And He has rewarded them for their patience with a Garden and silk, reclining therein upon couches. They will not find therein either blistering sun or bitter cold. They will be shaded with its coolness, and its clusters [of fruits] will hang low. And there will be circulated among them vessels of silver and cups having been [created] clear [as glass], clear glasses [made] from silver of which they have determined the measure. And they will be given to drink a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of ginger [From] a fountain within Paradise named Salsabeel. They will be waited upon by immortal youths—when you see them, you will think them to be scattered pearls. When you look around you there, you will see bliss and a great kingdom. Upon them will be garments of fine green silk and heavy silk brocade. They will be adorned with bracelets of silver and their Lord will give them a pure drink. ‘Verily this is your reward, and your endeavor is valued and recompensed” (Surat al-Insaan: 12-22).
  7. Allah Ta’ala will look at him with rehmat and mercy (wa yanzuru-llahu ilayhi bir-rahmah). The Quran Majeed states, “Those who believe, have performed the Hijrat, and have struggled in the way of God with their possessions and their lives have a higher station with God; and they will triumph. Their Lord gives them good tidings of mercy (rahmah) and beatitude; they shall have gardens wherein they will live in enduring bliss” (Surat al-Tawba: 20-21).
  8. His intercession will be admitted for a hundred of his kin (wa yushaffa’u fi me’atin min ahle baytih). The intercession (shafa’at) of our Mawali Tahereen ensures Jannat. Such is the power of our Mawali Tahereen’s intercession that even those who treasure their walaayat are given the honor to intercede for their kin and seek forgiveness for them.
  9. He will receive the abundance and bliss of Jannat (wa yuna’amu fil-jannah).Jannat is described in numerous ayats of the Quran as “Jannaat al-Na’eem” (gardens of abundance and bliss). “Sovereignty on that day will be God's. He will judge. Those who had believed and had performed righteous deeds will live in Gardens of Bliss” (Surat al-Hajj: 56).
  10. He will enter Jannat without judgment (wa yadkhulul-jannata bi-ghayri hisaab).

It is by virtue of walaayat that we will receive this bliss in the Hereafter. It is by virtue of walaayat and guidanceof the successor of Amirul Mumineen SAthat we will make every effort in this world to attain the ten virtues of a Mumin. Imam AS has defined walaayat as obedience (taa’at); following the guidance of our Hudaat.

Knowing that we will receive such benevolence from Allah Ta’ala by virtue of walaayat, it is incumbent upon us to live up to the ten virtues of a Mumin in this world. It is incumbent upon us follow the guidance and example of our Awliya’ Kiraam and keep our faith in Allah, to observe taqwa and piety, to pray and remember Allah Ta’ala, to seek knowledge, to seek forgiveness, to recite the Quran and be kind and generous. May Allah Ta’ala grant us the inspiration and strength to do so. By the grace of Imamuz-Zaman SA, may Allah Ta’ala grant longest life in full health to his Dai, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS, by whose walaayat we will surely achieve the ten virtues of this world and the ten virtues of the Hereafter. Insha’allah-o-Ta’ala.

The walaayat of Rasulullah SA is only valid if one possesses the walaayat of Amirul Mumineen SA. The walaayat of Amirul Mumineen SA is only valid if one possesses the walaayat of the Imams in the progeny of Ali and Fatema SA, until Tayyib Imam SA and his successor Tayyib al-Asr SA (whose Milad Mubarak we celebrate this week). The walaayat of the Imam is valid in time of seclusion only if one possesses the walaayat of Du’aat Mutlaqeen. The walaayat of the 51st and 52nd Dais is only valid if one possesses the walaayat of their true successor, the 53rd Dai l-Mutlaq Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS. It is by walaayat of the Dai of our age that our walaayat for all the Dais and Imams is valid, for he is the successor to their Nass and their knowledge. As we recite in the Misaaq, “[That is] the way of God which has taken its course before;you will never find any change in God’s way” (Surat al-Fath: 23).

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