Our Identity
This section features selected articles that discuss the core our identity and what it means to be a Mumin, Muslim, and a good human being.

Misaaq – A Covenant with Allah Ta’ala
29 April 2017
Misaaq (or ‘ahd) means covenant or promise; a promise that establishes a commitment between God and each Mumin. Bay’at or safaqat (literally hand-in-hand) is the final pledge and commitment by a Mumin to the Misaaq. It is not a “new” custom but as old as the father of humanity, Adam Nabi AS, as the Quran Majeed affirms (Surat Taha: 115). This practice has continued since with...

Muslim Identity
22 April 2017
Rasulullah SA was sent as the Messenger of Islam on the 27th of Rajab, the day of “Mab’as”. It is a momentous day for the Islamic Ummah and we commemorate it by observing rozu. It is the day in which Rasulullah pronounced the prophetic and profound words “la ilaha illa Allah” (there is no God but Allah). It is a day which unites more than one billion Muslims under the banner of Islam.

'A Maula has Passed, A Maula Remains' (Part 2)
16 April 2017
Following the wafaat of Syedna Burhanuddin just a short two years ago, we sought refuge from our grief in sabar and sought strength from Syedna Qutbuddin. We remembered these words “your Maula has passed, your Maula remains.”

Bay’at al-Ridwan – The Misaaq that garnered Allah’s Pleasure
08 May 2016
The Misaaq is a covenant that every Mumin gives to Allah Ta’ala and his waliyy. The Quran Majeed asserts that each individual will be answerable for the pledges of his Misaaq. When a Mumin gives Misaaq, that is when he is spiritually connected to the Imam and receives a spark of his divine noor (nuqtatut-noor). The more knowledge a Mumin attains and the more ‘amal he performs, his noor increases.

To be a Muslim Today
25 March 2016
By adhering to the true Islamic values and respecting others, each of us, each Muslim, can be an ambassador of Islam. By doing so, each Muslim can do their part to prevent the hijacking of the name of our religion by a fundamentalist ideology that is entirely un-Islamic.

A Community of the ‘Middle Path’
11 March 2016
In one of his Majalis, Syedna al-Mu’ayyad al-Shirazi writes that life in either of the extreme climates – extreme cold or extreme heat - does not flourish. In the blistering cold of the Arctic or the sizzling heat of the Sahara, life is nearly impossible to sustain. Life flourishes most where the climate is temperate.

“You are the Noor of Allah”
05 February 2016
Light enables vision. Without light even a perfect eye cannot see. Like the eye, the mind also needs a guiding light.

Imaan, Belief & Truthfulness - Who Should You Believe, and Why?
05 April 2015
The definition of Imaan is tasdeeq, to believe in the veracity or truthfulness of an individual. Over the years there have been numerous competing claims to veracity and Truthfulness of Allah’s Nabi, his Imam, and his Dai. Who should you believe, and why?

Fatemi Da’i – Fatemi Da’wat
27 February 2015
Our Imams and their Dai’s chose to use Maulatuna Fatema’s name to identify their Da’wat.

The Philosophy of Celebrating Milad of Imam-uz-zaman
25 January 2015
The celebration of the Milad of Imam-uz-zaman, the Imam of our age, on the 4th of Rabiul-Akhar is a day for us to rejoice and remember the Imam to whom we pay allegiance and through whom we will achieve salvation and najaat. It is the day to remember and acknowledge that an Imam in flesh and blood graces the face of this earth today.