Philosophy of Life
This section features short stories (hikayat) from Ikhwanus Safa, the famous 53 epistles written in the time of Imam Ahmed al-Mastoor AS, and articles relating to the philosophy of life, and our goals in this world.

The Divine Promise: With Difficulty There is Ease
20 June 2020
Addressing Rasulullah SA, the Quran emphatically states that with every difficulty there is ease. History is, in a way, a succession of ‘usur and yusur. Allah’s awliya’, Imams and their Da’is, stand firm in their resolve during the time of ‘usur, unperturbed by the trials and tribulations, and confident that with every difficulty there is ease. Their faith in the divine promise is an inspiration

Rasulullah SA Hadith: Forbearance and Gratitude
02 December 2017
On the auspicious occasion of Milad un Nabi, we are pleased begin this section featuring select hadith from Yaquqatu Dawatil Haqq Shehzadi Dr Bazat Tahera Baisaheba’s excellent edition and translation of Rasulullah’s SA Hadith compiled by the Fatimid jurist al-Qadi al-Quda’i “al-Shihab al-Nabawi”. The book “Light in the Heavens”

The Doves
18 August 2017
Hikaayat (lit. stories) refers to the morals and fables that are presented in the books of Da’wat. Many of these hikaayat are presented in the Rasail of Ikhwanus Safa. Below is an excerpt from the hikayat, “The Doves” (translated by Dr Shatha Almutawa) presented with illustrations by Tahera Vajihi. This narrative is about a magpie that gets caught up with a group of fighting doves.

The Man and the Fish
12 May 2017
Presented here is the hikayat from the Rasai'l Ikhwanus Safa (translated by Dr Shatha Almutawa) presented with illustrations by Tahera Vajihi. This narrative is about a man who jumps into a raging river to catch a fish for dinner.

A Matter of Perspective
01 April 2017
When the visitors saw the chains in Syedna Shaikh Adam’s feet and the feet of the other prisoners, tears welled from their eyes. Syedna Shaikh Adam simply said, “even this is a bounty (ne’mat) from Allah Ta’ala. Those who remain patient and embrace sabr in this prison and accept Allah’s will, are forever in his rehmat and mercy...”

Ability vs. Capacity
19 February 2017
“How much leverage is appropriate? If I have 100 rupees, how much business should I do with it: 50 rupees, 100 rupees, 200 rupees - how much?” Syedi Mazoon Saheb AAB, the head of the seminar, replied and said that he himself had presented this same question to Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS. Syedna referred to the ayat “On no soul does Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear”...

The Power of Music
31 December 2016
This narrative very simply conveys the Ikhwanus Safa’s understanding of the power of music.

“Adopt the Best of Everything”
19 December 2016
Our Hudaat Kiraam have emphasized the importance of maintaining our identity as a Mumin and at the same time adopting all that is good in the culture and country we live in.

Striving for Balance within our Bodies, Businesses and Bandagi
03 December 2016
Syedna TUS stressed that we are followers of our Mawali Tahereen who are “the community of the middle path” (ummat wasat) and so it is important to maintain balance in all aspects of our lives. Excesses and extremes inevitably lead to damage and detriment.

Embracing the “Rope of Allah” (Hablullah)
26 September 2016
It is narrated that a Bedouin (a’rabi) asked Rasulullah SA about this rope mentioned in the Qur’an and how he could hold onto it. Rasulullah pointed towards Amirul Mumineen SA and the Bedouin simply went and embraced Maulana Ali. We embrace the Imam-uz-Zaman by following his example, by following his guidance and by giving Misaaq to him.