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Short Clips

This section includes short clips and excerpts from various miqaats, occasions, and functions. Watch other videos on the Fatemi Dawat YouTube channel.

Zakat & Wajebaat | Reminder for Shehrullah 1446H
Zakat & Wajebaat | Reminder for Shehrullah 1446H

Zakat & Wajebaat | Reminder for Shehrullah 1446H

18 March 2025

Like prayer, fasting, and hajj, zakaat is one of the seven da’a’im, or foundational pillars, of the Shari’at of Islam. Our Duat Mutlaqeen have guided us to doing araz of zakat and wajebaat during the auspicious month of Ramadan al-Mo'azzam to garner multifold sawab. Mumineen are reminded to araz zakat during 1446H - view a video reminder of zakat on this page.
The Approach to Life and Afterlife | Anwar-ul-Qur'an Excerpt
The Approach to Life and Afterlife | Anwar-ul-Qur'an Excerpt

The Approach to Life and Afterlife | Anwar-ul-Qur'an Excerpt

12 March 2025

During Ramadan al Mo’azzam 1446H, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS delivered Anwaar-ul-Qur’an Sabaq to Mumineen, in which Aqa Maula TUS did bayan on the meaning of Surat Qaf. Mumineen from all over the world participated in this live sabaq both in person and online. View an excerpt from this sabaq here.
Does the Qur’an say men are better than women? | Ashara Mubaraka 1446H Excerpt
Does the Qur’an say men are better than women? | Ashara Mubaraka 1446H Excerpt

Does the Qur’an say men are better than women? | Ashara Mubaraka 1446H Excerpt

23 November 2024

“Does the Qur'an say men are better than women?” We present this 7min video excerpt with English translation from Muharram 1446H in which Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS counsels Mumineen on the true measures of superiority. Syedna TUS recites the Qur’anic ayat - ليس الذكر كالانثى - “A male is not like a female'', explaining the high station of Maulatuna Fatema SA.

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