Teachings (Sabaq)
This section includes sabaqs of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS delivered during on auspicious occasions. Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA once said that listening to bayaan is no lesser than being in namaaz. Watch other videos on the Fatemi Dawat YouTube channel.

Bandagi ma Zindagi | A Life of Worship - Syedna TUS Anwaar-ul-Qur’an Sabaq 1443H Excerpt
30 April 2022
In the eighth and ninth sabaq, concluding the bayaan on the meanings of the fourth ayat of Surat al-Hamd, ‘it is You we worship, and it is You we seek aid from’ (“iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka nasta’een”), Syedna imparted priceless pearls of guidance. He explained the virtues of a life of bandagi – a life of worship. We present this excerpt with English subtitles.
Shukr Ni Zindagai | A Life of Gratitude - Anwaar-ul-Qur'an Sabaq 1443H - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
15 April 2022
This excerpt is from Syedna’s bayaan from Anwaar-ul-Qur’an Sabaq and is a life lesson like no other. Syedna explains the benefits of a life of gratitude. He expounds on the mindset with which we shoul...